Our Christmas concert is here again! ... Doesn't it come round quickly.
Tickets are available via Ticket Source and are selling fast! Don't be the person to miss out. |
A Christmas Concert
Once more our Christmas concert is planned for the 10th December at Stantonbury theatre. We hope to see you there.
A Spring Concert
We are looking forward to seeing you again at our upcoming Spring Concert on the 29th April 2023
St Mary and St Giles , Stony Stratford
Christmas Concert
December 11th 2022
Stantonbury Theatre
Tickets available via Ticket source

It was with regret we had to cancel our concert at St Marys and St Giles Church, Stony Stratford in 2021
However .... we are announcing the date for this as our comeback concert for SUMMER 2022 on the 16th July where we will welcome our guest soloist Raymond Burley.
We are trying to improve our sustainability as an orchestra and for this evenings concert there will be no paper programmes in the way we have done in the past. There will be a few copies of our running order that will be available in the church and you are more than welcome to take a photo of these on your phone to refer to. I'm also posting the running order of our concert here which you can screenshot or refer to. We hope that this reduces our environmental impact.
Allegro in C - Mozart
Ancient Airs and Dances - Respighi
Sheep May Safely Graze - Bach
Raymond Burley - soloist
Henry VIII - Shepherds Dance & Morris Dance
Water Music - Hornpipe and Finale
Folk Songs Suite 1st movement - Vaughan Williams
Serenade for Small Orch - Mathias
Raymond Burley - soloist
Girl With The Flaxen Hair -Debussy
Clock Symphony (Haydn) - Finale
For tickets go to the link below or search on Ticket source
Tickets will also be available from Andy Amos by ringing 01296 715557 or on the door